We are very pleased with our Firefly purchase, it is so easy to fit onto the wheelchair. The ease of movement and controlling it has given me a new lease of life. I would also like to say thank you to Stewart, he has been very helpful. Irene (Rio Mobility Firefly Electric Handcycle)
Thank you so much Fast Aid, and in particular, Stewart, for assisting me with the purchase of my new chair. It was an absolute pleasure to have your attention, your company, your advice and your expertise, not to mention your humour! Gilly (Invacare Esprit Action 4)
I find the wheelchair very comfortable indeed, and I would like to thank you for all the time and attention to detail given to my personal wheelchair motoring. Miss Gourley (RubiX 2 wheelchair)
I would just like to thank you so much for your help, it was very much appreciated and above and beyond. I hope we work together in the future. Occupational Therapist in the local authority in Edinburgh
Tyler is over the moon…He has a lot more confidence with his new chair. Tyler (Joncare Skwirrel Power Chair)
Thanks for the service Stewart provided – even though the time scale was slightly longer – the outcome has been well worth it. Ellie (Rio Mobility Dragonfly Handbike)
The chair has totally liberated me and given me freedom to move around the office. I no longer require people to carry papers for me to meetings, get me refreshments or bring food from the canteen. I now have the mobility to go to the canteen myself and to move around the office in safety. Steve (Mercado Medic 6100 )