Our team took part in the Beyond Boundaries East Lothian (BBEL) all-ability cycling event over the weekend. Product specialists Jason & Neil were on hand to give demonstrations on a selection of Van Raam and Tomcat special needs trikes and bikes.
Beyond Boundaries East Lothian aims to provide adventure sports and outdoor activities for people 16+ with disabilities and mental health issues in East Lothian, constantly striving to break down the barriers of physical and social inclusion.
We knew the accessible designs and features of the Tomcat trikes and Van Raam bicycles were the perfect fit for the event and our experts were on hand for demonstrations and try-outs for anyone who wanted to give them a go!
Andrew Stevenson, CEO of The Destiny Project, said “ it was a absolute pleasure to attend a demo day hosted by our friends at Beyond Boundaries delivered by FastAid.” The Destiny Project is a children & young person’s mental health charity and we were delighted to welcome them at the event – Andrew even took our Van Raam Chat rickshaw bike for a spin.
We took along the Tomcat Silver Bullet tricycle and the Van Raam Chat Rickshaw bike – let’s take a closer look.
A versatile, multi-speed trike for leisure, shopping and everyday use. The Silver Bullet is a road trike for riders with mild to profound and multiple disabilities, suitable for teenagers through to adults. The Silver Bullet is an outstandingly versatile 5-speed machine that is ideal for shopping and everyday use.
The Chat is a Rickshaw bike designed to be used by both adults and children who are no longer able to navigate traffic on their own, ideal for recreational use in parks, on promenades or wherever else you would like to go. An accompanying person cycles the rickshaw with one or two people enjoying the comfortable double seat.
For more information, demonstrations or assessment visits, please get in touch.
Jason Davies
Product Specialist
0131 440 3929